Greetings everyone. We wanted to give an update on the water situation and funding for the well. It rained for a few days in eSwatini which has helped with our immediate water shortage. Please continue to pray that it starts to rain consistently so the streams and dams can fill up.
We are excited to post that we have received $8000 for the well. That only leaves $2000 to complete the funding. Thank you to all who are praying for the situation and have given financially. God always provides and we continue to thank Him for his provision.
If you would like to give towards the water well you can click the SUPPORT US tab. Please let us know through email or FB messenger to designate it to the water well.
We will post a year end ministry update later this month.
Praying you have a wonderful time celebrating the birth of Christ and his salvation to us all.
In Christ,
Justin and Jennifer Carson