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God knew!


Even though this pandemic has halted parts of our ministry, great things are still happening. It has propelled us head first into new ministry opportunities. Each day is a step forward even though the pandemic would have you believe we're walking backwards.

This past year we had the opportunity to meet a young Christian man named Mancoba. When there are things on the farm that require more than one person he is always available to help out and earn some extra money. Justin had a chance to ask what he uses his money for other than just buy food. His response is the same as many his age. As a young 25 year old he is struggling to find work. With most of the country unemployed and even more since Covid, he has struggled to meet the financial burden to get his degree. His passion is to be an electrician. Not to be just a regular electrician but a certified electrician so that can work on high voltage for the country electrical company. You see, to have a stable job here you need to work for the government.

His story is just like many men his age. His father abandoned him and his mother when he was very young. Since his birth he can count on one hand how many times he has had a phone conversation with him. His mother struggles to support even herself. So at a young age she left him with grandmother in hopes she could raise him.

When he shared this story it tugged on our hearts but what he said after that just crushed us. Not only does he live with his grandmother but so do 16 other orphans just like him. Wow. Some still have a parent that is alive and some have lost both. But all have been left with granny to raise. Once we heard the whole story we had to go see. Not to just see what that looks like but how can we can help with their needs.

On our first visit we immediately felt the enormous burden this grandmother is carrying. We had been providing food on a regular basis but there were clothing,shoes,and health needs. We immediately began praying for God to meet their needs.

Jen jumped in and gave them all physicals and treated their health problems. Mostly minor things to us but when you don't have money to go see a doctor they seem incurable.

Now we needed the Lord to provide clothing for 16 orphans and help with Mancoba's school fees. The importance of the school fees is not just to finish school. When he gets a job he will be able to help his grandmother and the children.

Last week we shared a picture and a post about an upcoming story and need. That same day a couple that has always been huge cheerleaders for us reached out. God had blessed them with some extra finances and tugged on their hearts to help this family. Now, here is the reason for the title of this blog. God knew who He could bless with extra and trusted that they would hear His voice to help those in need over 10,000 miles away and they gave in obedience. The amount they gave clothed the children and payed for Mancoba's school fees. Why this story is so amazing is because we never told them the amount. God knew then...and He knows now. Through this whole pandemic we could live in fear of what tomorrow is going to bring. Yet, God knows the outcome. If we trust Him to lead He will guide us and bless us. It's hard. It's hard to listen through all the negativity Satan wants you to hear. But if we focus on Him we can get through this together!

(First pic is of Mancoba and Granny)

It's A-maize-ing!

This past week has been a long farming week for us. After a few months of drying the maize it was time to remove all the dry kernals and store them. Twisting and turning every ear til the kernals fell off. Twist, turn,repeat. In the end we were able to store well over a half a ton of maize! It will help feed families in need and provide chicken feed for our chickens. Which by the way, one of them is overachieving and laid a double yoke weighing 2.7 ounces this week!

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