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2021 Ministry Projects

Updated: Dec 2, 2020

The year 2020 is almost over. As we've experienced a very different year all across the world, the hopes of 2021 is in sight. For True Hearts Ministry we are already praying and planning for ministry in 2021.

As the year comes to a close we need to begin our fundraising for 2021. All the things listed below will allow us to continue our current ministry projects and help us to expand to what the Lord has called us to do. 2021 is going to be miraculous!

Ministry Needs for 2021 ( Goal: $30,000 )

This total is for the items listed below. It does not include the monthly support.

True Hearts Baby Home is on schedule to open in 2021. To open we need to raise funds to support and house abandoned babies that are brought to us by the government and employ local ladies to assist with their care. We will be able to house 6 - 8 babies at all times. We will also be a home to children below the age of 4 for emergency placement.

Feeding the community children and adults has been our main focus during the pandemic. Many have struggled to provide for their families. We've been able to help in the area of food and medical needs during this time. This program will need to continue for 2021. Our hope is to do all feeding through the local care point (community building). We've been in contact with the ones who operate it and they are very open to any help we can provide.

Not only do we hope to meet their nutritional needs but expand our discipleship programs to point them to the one who is the ultimate provider. Adult men and women will be brought together to give spiritual support and show the love of our Father to those who seek Him. The women's discipleship program started this past year and we've seen a huge change in their lives. A new discipleship program for the men will start in 2021. Of all our programs we feel this is the most important. If we can reach the leaders of the home this will change the future of the entire family for eternity. Providing spiritual guidance and discipleship is a huge need for this area and we are here to help them with the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

Local projects like farming, chickens, community animal care, ploughing, and improving home structures will need to continue next year. This past year we were able to help in these areas to those in our community and we've seen a difference. Many have made the comment of how we've been able to bless them and change their life. Just yesterday a local lady shared with us that our presence and support is changing their community.

To be able to provide and deliver food and supplies and safely take the children to doctor appointments we will need to upgrade our vehicle. The age of our vehicle is 1999 and now the continued repairs have become a burden on us. To be good stewards we feel that it is time to upgrade. This will allow to travel safely to town 45 minutes away and return home with out any breakdowns.

We hope this provides an overview of our 2021 plans. All these things help us provide the support our community so desperately needs. Please be in prayer on how you would like to partner with us on meeting those needs. Thank you for all your prayers and support in years past and we are excitingly looking forward to what the Lord has planned for 2021.

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