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New Year...New Beginnings!


Welcome to 2022! Also let us be the first to introduce you to.....(insert drumroll)....True Hearts Incorporated!

We are excited to introduce you to a new beginning for the ministry. This past year when the pandemic was raging, the Lord was birthing something in our hearts. With many emails, calls, and texts we were able to work with a lawyer and create our own Non-Profit Organization.

What does that mean to me?

All ministry giving, planning, and strategies will be operated by us and a board of directors. In the coming days you will be contacted by either ourselves or our staff in the US. We will walk you through how you can change the way you give, how to receive information about the ministry, and how to stay connected.

We are so very thankful to for helping and leading with all of our financial giving. They have been a huge part of where we are today and we are so humbled by their passion and time they have given to us. They will be helping us with changeovers and this transition. They will be a huge part of what the ministry will look like for 2022 and beyond.

How do I change my giving?

No worries! We will be contacting all monthly donors personally to explain the new process. If you have not heard from us by mid-February please reach out as the information we have for you may have not been updated in our records. If you give online you will already notice the new PayPal donation and new address for the ministry. If you mail a check, the new address is on our support page. If you need any assistance with any of this please contact us and we can help.

True Hearts Inc. is led by Justin Carson as CEO/President and Jenny Carson acting as Vice President. In the future we will be introducing you to our Board of Directors. When the Lord began this process He strategically placed these people on our hearts. We are excited to introduce them to you and share on how they have helped develop this ministry.

Thank you to all who have supported this ministry. We don't take it for granted and are so very thankful for your prayers, support, and giving. Even though we have lived in Eswatini for almost 9 years we feel the beginning is now! Children who have no hope and need a place of safety and restoration will have a home. For the man and woman who don't have hope or food True Hearts Ministry will be there to not only help but to point them to the One who can restore their heart. God bless you all and may this year be the best one yet!

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