When we went to update the blog we realized it's been 5 months since our last post. Oh my! These babies are keeping us so busy! I bet you'd like to know what we are up to. 😄
We now have 7 babies in the house. 4 girls and 3 boys. Our newest little one came to us two weeks ago. She was born at 31 weeks and could not go home with her family for fear of her being harmed. For now we are loving on her, helping her gain weight and giving her needed medications until her home situation is sorted out.
All the babies are doing well. We've had the winter head colds but nothing serious. 4 are walking, 2 are not far behind. Everyone's teeth are coming in. We are starting potty training and of course learning all kinds of songs and dance moves! It seems time is flying, and they are growing so fast!
We had been receiving calls from Social Welfare weekly to take babies, but we had to say no because of lack of space. Justin made some changes and built an addition to the playroom so we could move the toddler boys and make a space for another baby. Our hearts just couldn't say no anymore. God always makes a way when there is no way.
There is such a great need for these abandoned and abused children. This is the worst we have seen in our ten years here. Teen pregnancy, assault, malnutrition, and poverty that is unimaginable. As the Lord provides, we will continue to do all we can to take in more babies and keep the children we have for as long as they need.
Our newest arrival, baby Winnie
Jenny is coming to the USA for 3 weeks! If you would like to see her while she is there send us an email or message on FB to set something up. Why only 3 weeks? Now that we have 7 babies it is impossible to be gone for long periods of time. We have to make our time in the states shorter and return to the baby home as soon as possible.
The chickens are thriving. We now have 100 chickens that provide eggs to the community and our children every day.
The garden is flourishing. We recently harvested beetroot, turnips, spinach, peppers, sweet potatoes, and carrots. All healthy veggies for our babies and the community.
Justin continues to plow and help the community with their gardens and fields. It is such a needed ministry here and he is so happy to be able to help.
Thank you for always praying for us and supporting this ministry. We appreciate every one of you! You are such a blessing to us all.