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  • trueheartsministry

2020 Vision

As we say goodbye to 2019 and look forward to a new decade, we reflect on the past year. This time a year ago we spent our days in the hospital hoping a simple sickness was cured and behind us. We had no idea that the whole year would be spent mostly in doctor's offices, hospital beds, and surgeries that tested our faith and our strength. Through each trial and every question God walked hand in hand with us. It was His strength that kept us and brought us through.

One thing we never questioned was the faithfulness of each and every one of you. You prayed over us. You encouraged us and strengthened us in our great time of need. You supported us financially when bills began to come in.

Through all of the trials of the last year we saw our community grow in the Lord. Our outreach groups became stronger and we saw lives being changed right before us. The ladies discipleship grew from a couple of neighbor ladies to seeing over 30 women being reached. The local soccer outreach began with speaking with one gentlemen to growing to crowds of people each weekend.

2019 left us scarred (literally) but it has not defined us. Scars aren't bad. They remind us of what we have been through and overcome.

As we press on to the new decade, our vision for the ministry has grown. God has shown us many things in the past year about ourselves and where He wants this ministry to go.

In 2019 you helped us with sports evangelism, distribute Bibles throughout the community, raised over $12,000 dollars to bring clean water to the community, paid medical bills, and brought families closer to the Lord.

We are thankful for each and every blessing that God has given us. Thank you body of Christ for your faithfulness and generosity in building the kingdom. God is restoring everything. Our vision for 2020 is bigger and brighter than ever.

We are building up the farm for sustainability, increasing our evangelism and discipleship programs, and faithfully walking in obedience to open the baby home for the abandoned babies of eSwatini.

If you would like to give a tax deductible gift to the ministry before 2019 ends click the Support Us on our website. May 2020 be your best year!

With Love,

The Carsons

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